Changing Of The Guard | Podcast Host Transition | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 194 – changing of the guard

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Doug Houser, CPA, MBA, CEPA, principal and director of construction and real estate services at Rea & Associates, will take over as the host of unsuitable on Rea Radio. Click here to learn more about Doug.

you say goodbye, i say hello

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and this holds true when it comes to Dave Cain’s time as host of unsuitable on Rea Radio. After nearly 150 episodes under his belt, Dave is invested in the future success of this show, so it was important to leave it in good hands, which is why Doug Houser was picked as his successor.

Doug is more than just a pretty face – he’s well-connected in the business community, a great coach and mentor, and full of fresh ideas for this little podcast of ours. So, on this episode, we’re going to get to know Doug a little bit better before he officially takes over the mic.

Listen to this episode to hear:

  • What Dave plans to do during his retirement. 
  • Dave’s favorite podcast moments.
  • Who Doug is, why he will be a great host, and his goals for the show.

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As we enter the next chapter of unsuitable, we want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what topics you’d like us to cover in the future, and any suggestions you have for future guests – and in return for your time and valuable insight, you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

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official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 194 on unsuitable on Rea Radio, “changing of the guard,” featuring Doug Houser.

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